Tuesday, 28 February 2017


When we all heard or read the term “business on wheels” immediately the image of an ice-cream truck came to our mind. It is because from past years, selling ice cream is the most popular and seem as the only business that is run by using vehicles. But with the changing time, a lot of innovative ideas came into the light that too can be options for mobile businesses.

  • ·         Food trucks: one can open their small, mobile, pick and go restaurant, even a market for fresh fruits and vegetables and can sell them by moving around.       


  • ·         Flower shop: flowers are the best gifts to lift up everybody’s mood and suitable for almost every occasion. Starting a flower shop have a few chances of failure. (Davis, 2013)

  • ·         Testing labs: going to a lab and get your tests done is sometimes very time consuming. So providing that service to people at their doors can be a profitable business.


  •              Mobile gym: some people make excuses to go to a gym such as traffic, time schedules, etc. So opening a movable gym in a local area will be convenient for such kind of people and chances of their opting such a gym is very high.



  •       Boutique for last minute shopping: busy schedules sometimes results in- no time to buy outfits for various occasions, in order to solve this problem mobile boutiques are there.



  •                  A shoe store: offering a range of foot wears for different occasions.



  •                  Dental care: can be established to promote dental health care along with a productive business.




  •              Pet grooming: taking your pet to a grooming store is not an easy task, but getting those services at their door step will be considered as the best choice by them.


  • ·         Spa and saloon services: getting relaxed massage and other saloon services is liked by everyone but taking appointments is not. So providing these services locally can be result as worth starting it. (Brown, 2014)



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