Monday, 27 February 2017


Having their own business is almost everyone’s dream but very few out of them will able to  accomplish their goals due to high cost investment required to start an enterprise. “Market on Wheels “provides individuals with a golden opportunity to be a sole – proprietors. It refers to a type of business, which one can establish and run by seating on a driver’s seat of a van, truck or a bus. It includes – selection of the product you want to sell, purchasing of the commodities essential to begin with the business and you are ready to go. The other indispensable factors of the business such as marketing and sales could be achieved side by side when you make a start to it. While doing this kind of business you can directly sell your products to the customers by reaching to them and beside it you can even advertise your products at the same time you are moving around. This sort of business is not confined to a single individual but you can even establish it along with your partner or partners.

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