Wednesday, 1 March 2017


We all are aware of the fact that now a days the business costs are raising sharply whereas consumer’s budgets are squeezing down. In such a situation it is not affordable by many entrepreneurs to start up an enterprise dealing with all the high investment costs. It is also shown in studies that “over 50 percent of all startups failing within the first 5 years”. It is due to the high maintenance costs to run a business. This results in moving the investors towards the mobile businesses.
There are other reasons too due to which one should invest in mobile businesses are:-
The overhead expenses in this type of business is comparatively low to the other types. As there is no leasing expenses, rents, etc. but only vehicle maintenance expenses. In addition to this, it would not confined your business to a specific store at a specific area which attracts customers from that particular area. Rather, it widens the customer base to a larger geographical region. Furthermore, the main character of mobile business that is versatile working locations, brings the products to the customers where it is demanded. Along with it, marketing and advertising of your products can be done while driving around the roads by putting banners on your vehicle which will be noticed by a large segment of people. Nevertheless, the use of technology-online applications, websites, will reduce the costs and enhance the delivery services. (Wight, 2013)

One can easily get legal permit to sell their products. And by putting little more efforts he/she can even get a contract to sell it at any particular location such as near by a school, college, etc. Besides all this, it is also economical if we want to buy a mobile business and favorable too, to run it as a side business. (Team, 2015)


 Team, B. (2015, SEPTEMBER 1). Running a Business on Wheels: How More Entrepreneurs Are Finding Success Owning a Mobile Business. Retrieved from

Wight, E. (2013, AUGUST 26). Meals on wheels: mobile businesses feeding an appetite for street food. Retrieved from THE GUARDIAN:

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